The most common roofing problems are damaged or missing shingles, faulty vents and leaks. These problems may happen as a result of harsh weather or due to the natural wear and tear. The best thing is that you can easily repair these minor problems yourself. Most people perceive roofing repair to be very difficult. Perhaps it is the fear of heights that deters most people from making attempts. However, if you get past your fear, you will find that roof repairs are not too complicated. Below is a guide on how to fix these issues.

Repairing Damaged Shingles

If the shingles have gotten damaged over time and may need replacement, it is much easier to remove shingles when they are cool. You can cool them down with water. Upon cooling them, separate the shingles using a metal pry bar. The sealant should pop or snap on separating the shingles.

Remove the nails and replace the missing or damaged shingles with matching ones. You need to hand-seal the shingles because the sealant may not be very effective after being broken.

Replace Ridge Cap Shingles or Missing Hips

Damaged ridge or hip shingles can expose your roof to water infiltration or snow. When water infiltrates, it could enter the attic or even make your roof deck rot. Replacing damaged cap shingles will require you to loosen and remove any leftover pieces.

Replace the cap or missing hip with matching ones both in thickness and colour. You will need asphalt cement to put them securely in place. Remember that ridge and hip shingles are placed on the highest parts of the roof. To avoid falls, do not work on a wet roof and wear soft-soled boots, these provide the best grip.

Repairing Leaks

To find the source of the leak, you need to remember that water flows down directly. The most common sources of leaking roofs are skylights, penetrations, obstructions and damaged shingles. You can begin by examining vents, skylights and chimneys. These are often the culprits. In most cases, you may think you have a leak on the roof whereas the problem could be lack of proper ventilation.

Check for algae stains and back rings around nails as this could be a sign that moisture in building up in the attic. In most cases, leaking roofs can be repaired by adding a coat of asphalt roofing cement. Roof inspection needs to be done regularly to avoid dealing with adverse effects which may need professionals such as O'Boyles Roof Plumbing.
