You will soon find yourself having to tackle a concrete drilling project if you are an avid DIYer. When that happens, embark on the project when you are well prepared for it. This article discusses some precautions that you should keep in mind as you take on that concrete drilling project.

Prevent Hole Placement Errors by Pre-marking Hole Locations

Many DIY enthusiasts find that the holes they took time to drill were in the wrong location, or they slanted instead of being level so they have to begin all over again. Avoid making this mistake of novices by pre-marking the locations where you want the drill holes to be. For instance, if you would like to fasten a concrete platform into the floor, measure and mark-off where you want the fasteners to be. This will ensure that you drill the holes exactly where you want them to be.

Always Mark the Drill Depth Before You Start Drilling

Avoid drilling holes of varying depth by setting the depth gauge on your drill. If your concrete drill does not have a depth gauge, use black adhesive tape to mark the drill bit so that you do not exceed, or fail to reach the depth that you want the holes to be. In this way, you will avoid drilling uneven holes that will make your fasteners to be unbalanced once you place them in the holes.

Avoid Applying Excessive Pressure on the Drill

Too much pressure (from your hands) on the drill will not make the work progress any faster. Instead, it may make the drill bit break in the concrete. Use just enough pressure to hold the drill steady as you work. You can begin by applying a little pressure as you start drilling and if the drill keeps bouncing about then slowly increase the pressure on it until it is steady.

Keep Pausing to Remove Accumulated Concrete Dust

Keep pausing to scoop out concrete dust if you are drilling deep holes. This action will ensure that you have a clear view of how straight the holes you are drilling are. It will also reduce how much dust gets into the air as you drill and your respirator will not have a big dust challenge to deal with.

Familiarize yourself with the precautions above before you embark on that concrete drilling project. In this way, you will handle the project like a pro and everything will go according to plan. For more information, contact Hardcut Concrete Sawing Drilling
