Waterproofing a balcony is very important as water damage can soften concrete and the wood that is often used to create a balcony frame under the concrete, and cause the balcony to become unsafe. Waterproofing is also typically much less expensive and much easier to perform than repairing a rotted or broken balcony, and many homeowners can manage their own waterproofing with the right tools and a type of membrane or waterproofing paint applied with rollers. When you are ready to waterproof a concrete balcony, note a few tips to keep in mind so you ensure the job is done right.

Patch first

The waterproofing coating you add over the concrete won't work as a patching compound, and it may not be thick enough and strong enough to keep water from settling in chipped or cracked areas. This is why you need to patch the concrete first. You can usually do this with a simply patching compound you get from any hardware store and typically won't need to mix up fresh concrete for an area as small as a balcony. Be sure you clean out the chipped or cracked area completely before patching and allow the patch to dry thoroughly before adding a new coat of waterproofing over it.

Direct water to a runoff spot

When applying a waterproof coating, you want to avoid using swirling motions or directing a roller or brush toward a door or the building itself. This can create small trenches that actually trap water on the concrete or allow it to puddle near the building. Instead, consider using long strokes with your roller or brush and directing it away from the building to an edge of the balcony where you want the water to run off. You might also add a bit of extra pressure when using the brush or roller as you near the end of the balcony, to slightly grade the coating downward.

Continue to seal the concrete as needed

A waterproof paint or membrane will still need to be sealed over time. You can note the manufacturer's instructions for the right type of sealant to be used over a membrane or paint, and then also note how often it should be applied. Remember to take into consideration foot traffic and other use of the balcony; one that sees a lot of traffic with lots of furniture or that is used for storage of heavy items may need more consistent sealing and attention to keep the waterproof coating protected.
