Has your town planning project started to run into problems? You may think you have a fantastic plan to redevelop an area that has become rather neglected or rundown. However, unless your plans are accepted by the local community, and ultimately approved by the local authorities all of your effort will be for nothing. One of the best ways to ensure that your plans will receive approval is to hire a professional town planning consultant.

Here are three ways that a town planning consultant can smooth the progress of your plans.

1. Meet with the local community

A town planning development stands a much higher chance of being approved if it is supported by the existing community. A town planning consultant can actively engage with the existing community. They can find out what aspects of your plans appeal to them and which areas raise questions or concerns. They can feed the results of their research back to you so the plans can be adjusted and possible objections anticipated. When the development plans require an inquiry or a public meeting, a town planning consultant can speak for your development. They can stress the advantages the proposals could bring for local people, and explain how any negative effects will be mitigated.

2. Ensure that your development is viable

The local community may support your plans, the local authority may see no objections, but can you be sure the plans are financially viable? Suppose that you want to build an exclusive housing complex for your professionals. How well does that sit alongside existing buildings? Is the proposed cost of the homes much higher than similar properties close by? Are there sufficient local amenities to support the new homeowners? Will the doctors, dentists, and local schools find themselves overrun? If the local area can't attract and satisfy the new homeowners, they are likely to look elsewhere for housing that won't require them to travel outside the area every time they want to do something.

3. Ensure that a community can flourish

One part of town planning that can sometimes be overlooked is the need for community spaces. A community needs more than houses. Any town planning consultant can guide your creation of indoor and outdoor public spaces, such as squares and gardens, community halls, and anywhere that people can come together and mingle. It is only by establishing a community that you can ensure the longer-term success of your project.
